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My Mistake: Quick Fact is Not a Lie

The following information is incorrect based on my previous misunderstanding of the phrase, "advanced directive." I am placing it here to document my mistake and also so that it does not interrupt the flow of the rewritten article.--Lisa Ruby

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Quick Fact is a Dangerous Lie

Let us examine the the "Quick Fact" first:

Quick Fact

Though an advanced directive is required in Florida prior to removing nutrition, Terri never had one. is the official website for the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation. The visitors to this highly-trafficked website look to as the last word on the legal issues involved in Terri's case. The last word is contained in the Florida statues, not in the politically correct slant espoused by Pamela Hennessey.

What does advanced directive mean? It means court order. What does nutrition mean? It clearly means "nutrition by mouth" because Judge Greer has already provided two court orders for Terri's feeding tube removals.

Pamela Hennessey's statement, "Though an advanced directive is required in Florida prior to removing nutrition, Terri never had one" sends the message that Florida law requires a court order to be given prior to dehydrating/starving Terri by mouth. This statement actually works to cause the public and the media to think that denying a person food and water by mouth is permitted in Florida as long as an advanced directive is given. The truth is that it is against the law to issue such a directive!

False "quick fact": 

Though an advanced directive is required in Florida prior to removing nutrition, Terri never had one.

True quick fact: 

Under Florida law, a judge may not order the withholding of food and water by mouth.

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Liberty To The Captives Established in June 2001